The new year is all about making positive changes in all areas of your life — why not include your company’s digital presence and refresh your social media strategy?

Are you interested in updating your approach to social media network marketing? If so, you’re in the right place.

Below, you’ll learn ten practical ways to refresh your social media management strategy in 2023.

1. Shake Up Your Content Style

Do you consistently post the same type of content on your social media platforms?

First of all, good for you for being consistent. However, if you want to see continued growth from your internet advertising and marketing plan, you need to shake things up and refresh your social media strategy.

If you regularly post product photos or videos highlighting your services, try something new. Experiment with infographics or play around with the latest TikTok trends.

Doing something different helps you reach more people and gets your existing audience more interested in your content.

2. Branch Out to a New Platform

In addition to branching out with the type of content you share, you might also want to branch out and share advertising company ads on different platforms.

For example, if you primarily post on Instagram and Facebook, it might be time to try your hand at TikTok marketing or Pinterest marketing.

When deciding where to start posting, consider your audience. What other platforms do they use most often?

You can even conduct some polls to discover their favorite social media apps.

3. Create a More Consistent Brand Image

If you’ve ever looked at examples of effective social media marketing, you’ve likely seen pictures of curated grids with a consistent color scheme and similar design styles across all posts.

This approach to social media doesn’t just create an aesthetically pleasing image. It also encourages brand recognition.

If people know that your content always features a particular color palette, font type, or graphic, it’ll be easier for them to keep track of it and engage with it regularly.

4. Share More on Stories

Don’t limit yourself to posts on your Facebook or Instagram feed. It’s easy for these posts to get lost or scrolled past. However, when you post on your stories, you can reach more people and ensure they remember you and your brand.

You can also direct people to your feed posts by sharing them in your stories, which allows for more engagement and gets more eyes on the content they would have missed otherwise.

5. Update Profile and Cover Images

Have you had the same profile and cover images for years? If so, why not start the new year with some new photos?

Updating photos is a great way to catch people’s attention and get them thinking about your brand. It also ensures you’re creating a professional image that aligns with other elements of your brand.

6. Assess Social Media Analytics

When refreshing your social media strategy, make sure you don’t stop doing what works. As you begin formulating a new plan for the new year, take note of your current social media post analytics and look for patterns.

Do people consistently engage with a certain type of content? Do particular kinds of social media paid ads to generate more clicks and conversions?

Use this information to make intelligent decisions for the coming year. Keep what works, then revamp the things that aren’t producing great results.

7. Start Including Calls to Action

If you aren’t already, start ending all posts — whether they’re paid advertising posts or regular feed posts — with a call to action.

A call to action encourages your followers to do something specific after reading your post — leave a comment, share this post with a friend, click the link in our bio, etc.

When you include calls to action in your organic and paid media advertising, you increase the likelihood that people will follow through and take another step toward becoming paying customers.

8. Update Your Bio

Has it been a while since you refreshed your social media bio? Have you ever written one in the first place?

Your bio should succinctly explain what your business is all about. Include a link to your website so people can easily access it and learn more about your products or services, too.

You might also want to include a few relevant hashtags in your bio as well. Using hashtags can make your profile more searchable and helps new people find your business.

9. Invest in Influencer Marketing

Social media influencers, and marketing, on platforms like Instagram and TikTok naturally go hand in hand; as influencers are a valuable resource when striving to refresh your social media strategy.

Working with social media influencers allows you to expand your reach and get your products or services — and your brand in general — in front of new people who might not know about you otherwise.

Start searching for influencers whose brand aligns with yours. Then, reach out to them about working together on an upcoming campaign.

When looking for influencers, remember that their follower count is only one piece of the puzzle. Learn about their average post engagement, too.

Choose people who regularly receive a lot of likes, comments, and shares on their posts. Higher engagement rates are linked to more conversions.

10. Partner with an SMM Agency

Finally, consider joining forces with a social media agency.

Working with professional social media marketers allows you to create a solid strategy that is more likely to yield impressive results.

Professionals can help you evaluate your current approach, identify areas that need improvement, and develop a custom plan to achieve your social media marketing goals.

Refresh Your Social Media Strategy with Socialistics

From changing up the style of your content to investing in influencer marketing, there are lots of steps you can take to improve your online advertising and social media marketing strategy. 

If you need help creating an in-depth social media marketing plan, complete with organic and paid social media ads, our team at Socialistics is here for you. We offer ongoing support to aid you in achieving all your social media goals.

Contact us today to learn more about SMM services or schedule a call.