The average social media user spends 2 hours and 22 minutes on social media each day. Do you want to make sure these people spend at least some of that time engaging with your brand’s content? Are you unsure of how to come up with social media content ideas that will resonate with your audience? If so, keep reading. Listed below are some tips that can help you get inspired in the new year.

Spot Trends

Monitoring trends is a good place to start when brainstorming content ideas. If you can jump on a particular trend early enough, you can increase your reach and get ahead of your competitors.

How do you spot social media trends, though? Here are a few effective options:

  • Set up Google alerts for keywords relevant to your business
  • Use sites like Reddit to monitor trending stories and topics
  • Search relevant hashtags for post ideas
  • Check Twitter lists to see what other brands in your industry are posting

Conduct Competitor Audits

Another way to come up with content ideas is to consider a competitor audit.

Competitor audits allow you to monitor your competition and get a sense of their position in the online hierarchy. You can see what they’re doing well when it comes to digital marketing and social media marketing. You can also see places where they need to improve.

There are lots of tools that you can use for competitor audits. However, it might be more helpful to work with a social media agency. They can minimize feelings of overwhelm and help you figure out what to focus on with your social media strategy.

Figure Out What’s Working

Don’t underestimate your current approach to social media, either. It’s not always necessary to reinvent the wheel.

Instead of trying to come up with entirely new posting styles, it’s a good idea to also take a look at your social media metrics and figure out what’s working right now.

Are there certain types of posts that always get more attention (likes, shares, comments, etc.) than others? Do people seem to love infographics, videos, or memes?

Once you know what your audience likes, make it a priority to generate more posts like that in the future.

Refresh Old Content

Finally, don’t be afraid to refresh some of your old posts. Look through posts from the last year and see which ones got the most attention. Update them if necessary and then repost them.

Remember, it’s not cheating to refresh and repost your existing content. You’ve likely gained new followers since you originally published those posts, so there’s nothing wrong with re-sharing them.

Boost Your Social Media Engagement Today

When you get creative with your social media content ideas, it’s easy to boost engagement and start seeing results from your efforts. Keep the tips listed above in mind so you can generate exciting ideas for posts and keep your feed as fresh as possible.

If you need extra help with social media management, we’re here to help at Socialistics. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule a no-obligation social media assessment.